Данас обележавамо тринаесту годишњицу од Мартовског погрома 2004. године када су десетине хиљада косовских Албанаца и поред међународног присуства уништили 34 српске православне цркве и протерали додатних 4000 Срба из својих домова. Правда је стигла само поједине починиоце насиља, док организатори никада нису ни именовани нити приведени правди.
Today we commemorate 13th anniversary of the "March pogrom" in 2004 when dozens of thousands of Kosovo-Albanians destroyed 34 Serbian Orthodox churches and expelled from their homes additional 4000 Serbs from Kosovo (beside already more than 200.000 non-Serbs exiled from 1999 according to UNHCR). Only a few individual perpetrators have been sentenced by court, but organizers of the riots have never been identified or brought to justice
Today we commemorate 13th anniversary of the "March pogrom" in 2004 when dozens of thousands of Kosovo-Albanians destroyed 34 Serbian Orthodox churches and expelled from their homes additional 4000 Serbs from Kosovo (beside already more than 200.000 non-Serbs exiled from 1999 according to UNHCR). Only a few individual perpetrators have been sentenced by court, but organizers of the riots have never been identified or brought to justice
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